Sunday, January 2, 2011

He is Mighty

So, I'll be honest with you. Tonight I didn't really want to start my quiet time. I wanted to continue playing Boggle, but I know that my walk with the Lord is many times about discipline and not what I want to do. So, here I am having read Isaiah 2 and feeling good about it.

Isaiah 2-
Summary: Talks about the day the Lord comes back, Part 1-Everyone will soon exalt the Lord, Part 2-what that day is going to look like when the Lord comes back starting with all of the people worshiping themselves and ending in Him fully being glorified and idols being taken away.

My Take:
Part 1- How sweet is it that every person in this world will exalt His name that day? When reading this, I also thought about people who don't believe in a God. What are they gonna feel like when they are exalting God? What harm would it do them believing in a God? Really, what are they getting out of believing Godlessness? Well, I just realized what they are getting is selfishness. With no God, they can fully focus on self. No thanks. If I had to focus on myself, I think I'd just get frustrated with how imperfect I am. In fact, that happens to me often. I start focusing too much on myself, and get frustrated when I'm not perfect. Newsflash, I'll never be perfect. I know that, but I still don't like it.

Part 2-
"Their land is also full of idols; They worship the work of their own hands, That which their own fingers have made." v. 8
Woa! This hit home. How often do I marvel at what I've done? Sadly, I do that a lot. If I get an A on a test, I feel really good at myself and marvel at how good I am. Rarely do I say, "Man, God! Thanks so much for giving me an A on this test!" I definitely will have to start doing more marveling at God and not myself. He is the one that made me, so any good that comes from me is His, even a good grade.
Along with pride,
"The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low. The Lord will be exalted in that day" v. 17
Even the most exalted person on this earth will be nothing compared to the Lord when He comes back. All this pride I have here will completely be stripped of me because the Lord will be exalted and no one else. Again, it's a tough pill to swallow. I've actually been thinking a lot about this lately because after this year, I will again go from being a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in the big pond of life. I have felt very on top of the world many times this year with being in a lot of leadership positions. It scares me that next year I won't be leading anything, except maybe a classroom of middle schoolers, and even then, they'll probably be leading me. I'll be honest. I like being in authority. I like being the leader. I just have to be really careful to make sure that's not where my identity and contentness is coming from. That's part of the reason I know I really need to grow in the Lord in the next 5 months because I don't want to feel this huge drop next year. I just need to keep reminding myself that no matter what authority position I'm in or not in, the Lord is the ultimate authority and I can be joyful and content because He is my authority.

"From the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty." v. 10 and 19
So many times these days, we just talk about the love side of Jesus and not the fear side. Yes, Jesus is loving. In fact, the most loving being you'll ever meet. But, I love that this passage talks about the "terror" of the Lord. We all will be terrified when the Lord comes back because he is God!! He is the all-knowing, omnipresent being! That is pretty terrifying, but exciting at the same time! To me, this just demonstrates his power. Powerful is probably my favorite attribute of God. I like them all, but I love that because God is with me, I am more powerful than anyone or any situation on its own. Check this out in verse 21, "When He arises to shake the earth mightily." You can't get much more powerful than that! Also, I can't wait to see what His majesty looks like in all His glory!! I can't wait!! It's gonna be the most amazing and beautiful thing ever!!

Lord, mold me into the woman of the Lord you want me to be. I pray for growth these next 5 months in a way I can't even imagine. I pray you bring me to my knees. I pray you make me a woman of prayer. Lord, thank you for this journey!

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