Sunday, January 30, 2011


Such a good day in the house of the Lord. Over 20 GCFers were there to watch our new sister in Christ, Emily get baptized. I loved the overwhelming sense of community I felt not just from my friends from W&L, but the church as a whole. I love my church family at Lex Bap so much. They love college students so well! They are just what I need while I'm here at school. It doesn't hurt that they feed us 2 homecooked meals every Sunday! That being said, the Lord really convicted me today while Pastor Wilburn spoke. We were in Hebrews and came to the verse about spurring one another on to love and good works. I realized so much today that I have been terrible at loving some of the people I love the most lately. I've been impatient, unconcerned, easily frustrated, and simply uninterested in their lives because I've been so enamored with my own. Yesterday, on the YL prayer retreat, I started to realize just how selfish I am. As I wrote down confessions to the Lord, I seemed to write down more and more ways I was selfish. One of the biggest ways I'm selfish is with my time. I guess so many times I have so little of it that I can call my own that I am soo selfish with it. I want everything planned out, and if it doesn't go according to plan because a friend is a few minutes late even for good reason, I shut down loving people. Thankfully, though, I know my Lord is not finished with me. He is changing me constantly, and this is just a hard thing in my life that needs to be changed.

So, Isaiah 17:
Summary- One of the first proclamations of many against countries. This time, against Syria and Israel
My take-
v. 7 "In that day a man will look to his Maker, and his eyes will have the respect for the Holy One of Israel." I can only imagine how awesome it is going to be to look to our Maker. I see myself just looking straight up at a God I am so in awe of. I feel like that's what I will do when I first see God. I will just stand there, speechless in awe, perhaps even falling to my knees. Despite all the destruction that is to take place to Syria and Israel, God remains. We will still be in awe of Him. I can't wait to be in awe of Him. I am already in awe of Him now. I can't imagine how much more I will be once I see his beautiful face.

Lord, thank you for continuing to change me. It's not easy, but I know it is worth it to be closer to you. Thank you for the wonderful people in my life. Give me love for them this week.

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