Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Good

Today was a great day. No specific reason or event that occurred. I just really felt on top of things today. I feel like it's the start of me really being productive and liking it. I worked ahead on homework, got my car fixed, which I'd been needing to for a while (and it only cost $20, PTL!), did work study for 2 hours, talked to my advisor about taking spring option (and i'm officially eligible for it, yesss! hello tubing and hanging out every day spring term!), went to RUF, watched the State of the Union and did a session of Zumba (which I'm offically in love with). And, I'm doing this without my accountability friend telling me to!! Thank you Lord for answering my prayers for motivation!! Also, can I just say prayer works?? A friend also prayed for discipline and motivation for me the other night while we praying together. God listens!!
And, Isaiah 14:
Summary- The oppression and sorrow will cease in the end days, the terrible-ness of Lucifer, and multiple nations destroyed
My take-
I love that this chapter more focuses on the emotional side of the end times. Specifically, verse 3:
"It shall come to pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve." This is such good reassurance to know that although, we go through a lot here on this earth, all trials will end when we get to Heaven! This is definitely a verse I'm gonna turn back to when I'm in the midst of a lot of school work to do. I feel like that's when I feel most tied up in "bondage."
And, guess what I'm gonna talk about next? Surprise.. God's power! With Babylon and Assyria and Philistia being destroyed, once again God's power is showcased. I definitely am starting to see a trend of God's power on display in Isaiah. Either it is, or I just like to pull out any little thing about His power because it's one of my favorite attributes of God.
I think that perhaps the reason power is one of my favorite traits is because I absolutely hate feeling powerless. I can remember feeling powerless to change how I looked in middle school and hating it. I remember feeling powerless in high school when my softball coach wouldn't play me and hating it. I remember feeling powerless in college freshmen and sophomore year not having dates to date functions and hating it. I hate feeling powerless, so I love that since God is with me and I know him, I can also be powerful!! Even through all these situations, eventually I did feel powerful. The Lord definitely used these powerless situations to rely on His power. I think God does that. He sometimes showcases our weaknesses to force us to rely on Him when we wouldn't naturally. I can tell you in my own life, that's definitely been great for me. Sucked at the time of course, but in the long run, I'm very thankful.

Lord, thank you for bringing so many people out of bondage in so many different ways. Thank you for being powerful, so I don't remain powerless.

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