Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back Home to Pine Cove

I've been going to Pine Cove literally since I can remember. There's a picture hanging up in our house of my mom holding me with my sister on the other side at the Mother/Daughter conference in probably 1995. I absolutely love that place. No matter if it's youth camp or the conference centers. Probably the reason it feels most like home is because how the Lord has molded me and transformed my life there.

At the Pine Cove Shores in high school as I was going into my Junior Year, it was the first time I realized how important a daily quiet time was. That molded the quiet times that I continue to have now even as I type this.

Living my dream as a Pine Cove counselor in the inaugural year of the Timbers, the Lord started me on a lifelong journey to contentment with him. Specifically,the Lord, through my terrible acne that summer, showed me that contentment was not through the way I looked. He showed me that I was beautiful not because of the way I looked or dressed, but because I was His and He made me.That was the first time I ever yearned and longed for the Lord. I remember just flipping through my Bible and just never wanting to stop reading. I realized that not only did I want the Lord, but I truly need the Lord every single day of my life.

So, this last weekend was truly coming full circle for me at Pine Cove. I had been a kid at conferences, been a kid at youth camps, been a counselor at youth camps, and now I am being an adult (I saw adult in the loosest term. I may have been at an adult women's conference, but I sure did still swing on the swings and do cheers!) at conferences. This weekend the Lord truly just brought me back to himself. I have been a while in a state of just kind of stagnation in my walk with the Lord, which I know means I was growing apart from Him. I just needed this time at PC to one again realize just how sweet my time with Jesus is. Also, I learned a lot about courage not only in typical firefighter type situations, but within daily life.

More on this tomorrow! As for now, one of my goals after this weekend is to be more disciplined with my bedtime, so good night!

Lord, may you continue to bring me to yourself. Thank you for Pine Cove and the way you use it to bring me to your feet.