Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Isaiah 19

Homework just got done and it's 2:30 AM.. such is college life.. so short post tonight since I'm presenting a problem in Abstract Algebra at 9:05.
Isaiah 19:
Summary:Proclamation against Egypt
My take: Throughout these proclamations, the Lord's power is just so very evident. He is powerful and just, yet you still get the sense that He is doing what is right for them. The Lord in the end shows such grace. I need to constantly be reminded how much I need grace. So many times I just feel right in my frustration and pity, and don't see it as sinful. I think I want so badly not to be sinful that I try to look over sins such as these. I've said before that I hate that I'm not perfect. I was actually talking about this in discipleship a few weeks ago and my GCF minister said something so profound that I'll never forget. Being perfect is not not sinning. If it was, we could stay in bed all day and see no one and be perfect. There are days when we can come pretty close in our heads to "not sinning." However, being perfect means loving perfectly. Man, do I have a long way to go in that. There is no confusion there that I'm not perfect.

Lord, thanks for being perfect so I don't have to be. Continue to shower me with your grace and remind me of it.

1 comment:

  1. you are perfectly loved.
    hope that your algebra presentation goes well!
