Sunday, February 13, 2011

Needing Jesus

Fun, long day and weekend. From skiing and tubing to playing dodgeball, I had a lot of fun this weekend. It's tonight that the Lord really reminded me in a big way how much I need Him. As I sit here, I sit with a heavy heart. I am so selfish. I'm so impatient. I'm so imperfect. I need God to restore my spirit. I need Him to comfort me when I feel like I'm failing as a Christian. I need Him when I'm failing to love people well at all. I'm succeeding, though, when I give all my failures and shortcomings to Him. So, here you Lord. Here's all my failures. I need you.
Isaiah 27
Summary: Restoring Israel
My take: The Lord can restore anything. Nothing is too far gone to be restored.

Lord, thanks for reminding me how much I need you.

1 comment:

  1. crystal dearest

    so sorry that you have a heavy heart right now. :(

    you are such a wonderful friend c.spence!

    praying for God to restore your spirit, love you

    p.s. you can always always call me...or better yet SKYPE me...when i figure out how to do it!
