Monday, May 24, 2010


So, I'm writing this post for a couple of reasons.
1.) I haven't written in a while, and need to.
2.) Steve Tamayo, our GCF staff worker's favorite word is connect and one of his favorite things to do is blog, so I wanted to honor his leaving in this way
3.) I want to connect with God, and have not been lately

1.) self-explanatory
2.) My spiritual growth at W&L has a lot to do with this guy. He's seen me at my highs and my lows, and gives some of the best advice I've ever heard. He listens with an open heart and when you talk to him, you feel like you need to completely pour out your heart to him. I've "connected" with him and He's "connected" me with God countless times through discipling, GCF talks, or just through encouragement. I'm going to miss him a lot next year as are a lot of us.
3.) I've been kinda slighting my time with the Lord recently. I got into a rut of quiet times where the formula I had set up just wasn't doing it for me anymore. I say all the time there is no set way to connect with God, but in my head, I thought for me I had to read my Bible and then pray to connect with God. Therefore, if I was not doing those things in my quiet times, I thought I was not connecting with Him, and felt guilty. So, then one of my best friends made me realize that maybe I need to change my routine to connect with God now. That worked for a few days. I switched it up and just started praying. Then, I got lazy because I no longer felt guilty about not doing my routined quiet time and pretty much stopped having one altogether. Basically, me and the Lord have not been tight lately, and I hate that. I'm gonna change it up again and start reading scripture throughout the day to help me connect with God not just at one time, but multiple times throughout the day. I thank God for sticking by me even when I have not been spending very much time with him. Today, I read Ephesians 2 after being curious about what it said after reading a friend's religious views on Facebook. I love that Paul writes that we are alive in Christ. For so many people, they think that being a Christian means dying to fun, but honestly when we are in Christ, we are soooo alive!! I can live knowing that no matter what I do, even when I don't feel close to Him, He is still there for me and loves me unconditionally. What peace!
Thank you Lord for being faithful to me even when I'm not faithful to you!

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